PCN Service Information

We provide a range of services to support patients within our practices.

First Contact Practitioners (Physiotherapy)

Our First Contact Practitioners (FCPs) are experts and our GPs refer patients directly to this service.  You will be telephoned by a team member who will discuss how they can help you.

Care Coordinators

Our team of Care Coordinators, are the first point of contact to support patients that are having difficulty engaging with our practices and are requiring help with managing their long term conditions. 

Children and Young Persons Services (CYPS)

Our Children and Young Persons team will help patients, parents and carers access services for those children and young people who are struggling at school or home.

Patients, parents and carers can make a referrals via your GP practice.

Health and Wellbeing Services

Health and Wellbeing Workers/Social Prescribers are trained coaches and can support people to increase their ability to self-manage, motivation levels and commitment to change their lifestyle.

Pharmacy Services

Our Pharmacy team support GP's and practice staff with patients medications

Frailty Service

Our Occupational Therapist can visit you in your own home to assess how well you are living and can put in place care, equipment and support to enable you to carry living at home.

Our Frailty Services generally supports people over the age of 65, to live well at home.

Online Classroom

PCN has links to external videos relating to patients long term conditions, to hep understand the condition, and to assist with coping with and improving the condition

Surgery information

You can find out more about the services available at your local surgery. Visit your local surgery’s website to find out more.