First Contact Practitioners (Physiotherapy)

The FCP Physiotherapy team have advanced skills in triage and diagnosis of musculoskeletal (MSK) presentations. They can recommend appropriate treatment or refer to other healthcare services in both primary and secondary care.

They will evaluate, diagnose and manage patients with MSK presentations and can request diagnostic tests e.g. X-rays, ultrasound scans, MRI scans and blood tests if clinically indicated. They can also administer cortico-steroid injections if required. 

All of the existing FCP Physiotherapy team working for the PCN have completed either HEI training, obtaining a PG Cert. First Contact Practitioner in Primary Care (Musculoskeletal) qualification, or have completed ‘A roadmap to practice – Health Education England’ portfolio of evidence to practice as an FCP.

 The FCP Physiotherapy team aim to make contact with patients by telephone within three working days to establish an accurate diagnosis and agreed plan. This ensures that patients are not sitting on a waiting list and thereby improving the patient pathway and diagnosing their MSK issue quickly so that the correct treatment and management can be delivered.

Non-urgent advice: How to contact

If you’d like to speak to a member of the First Contact Practitioners (Physiotherapy) team, you can do so by calling either practice and advising the reception team.

If you are a patient at Leatside Health Centre Contact Leatside and speak to your Practice

If you are a patient at Veor Surgery Contact Veor and speak to your Practice

Non-urgent advice: Common Conditions

Non-urgent advice: Minor Injuries

This will link to a page of information on self help in dealing with minor injuries

Conditions | The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

This link will describe the role of your local Minor Injuries Dept

Camborne and Redruth Community Hospital Minor Injury Unit

Non-urgent advice: Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy teams will work with you to restore movement and function as near to normal as possible if you have been affected by an injury or disability.

Here is a link to the physiotherapy departments in the area and access to self referral forms.

The Musculoskeletal Interface Service is a countywide service for people with hip, knee and shoulder conditions where the diagnosis is unclear or who are not ready, willing or able to have surgery. Details are available here