Health and Wellbeing Team

Health and Wellbeing Workers/Social Prescribers are trained coaches and can support people to increase their ability to self-manage, motivation levels and commitment to change their lifestyle. They are experts in behaviour change and focus on improving health related outcomes by working with people to set personalised goals and change their behaviours. They work with people with physical and/or mental health conditions and those at risk of developing them.  To access this service please complete the online form via your GP Practice.

Emergency advice: I am in crisis - Get Immediate Support

Urgent advice: I want to learn more about PCN level of mental health support

If you're seeking more information on mental health services at the Primary Care Network (PCN) level, click here to explore the local resources and support available to you.

Talking Therapies self-referral page:

MIND - free mental health support:

CLEAR - 1-1 counselling and therapy for adults affected by sexual abuse, sexual violence and traumatic crime:

Hope for Harm service provides counselling for adults who self-harm:

We are With you - Free, confidential support with drugs, alcohol and mental health:

Non-urgent advice: Mental Health Resources

Non-urgent advice: How to contact your GP Practice

If you’d like to speak to a member of the team, you can do so by calling either practice and advising the reception team.

If you are a patient at Leatside Health Centre Contact Leatside and speak to your practice

If you are a patient at Veor Surgery Contact Veor and speak to your practice