Pharmacy team

The PCN pharmacy team support the delivery of safe, effective and efficient systems for medicines optimisation, repeat prescribing, reducing medicine waste and maximising patient outcomes.

Some of the areas covered are:

  • Responding to patient questions, referring as necessary to other healthcare professionals.
  • Providing advice and information to GPs, staff, and patients to improve prescribing safety, quality, cost-effectiveness and appropriateness.
  • Medication reconciliation, by reviewing clinical correspondence and making appropriate changes to medication and arranging appropriate follow up.
  • Drug safety, through medication audits, drug monitoring and medication reviews, ensuring and arranging appropriate testing, monitoring and follow up.

Non-urgent advice: How to contact

If you’d like to speak to a member of the team, you can do so by calling either practice and advising the reception team.

If you are a patient at Leatside Health Centre Contact Leatside and speak to your practice

If you are a patient at Veor Surgery Contact Veor and speak to your practice

Alternatively, if you have submitted an online form, and if relevant, this will be triaged to the team who may contact you to manage your query.