Supporting patients with a diagnosis of being at risk of developing diabetes

Support Services

Healthier You - NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme


Programme Info

Healthier You is a NHS national diabetes prevention programme.

The programme will teach you to make healthy sustainable changes that overtime reduce your risk of Type 2 diabetes.

There are 3 ways to access the programme provided free over a 9-month period

  • Group Available locally in 2-hour group sessions
  • Digital Accessed online via a mobile app, 10-15 minutes a day
  • Remote Delivered via zoom or telephone calls

 You will learn about your condition, how lifestyle and diet changes can help and the chance to share experiences with others.

Further Information

Call 0333 047 9999 for further information or email 

Join the Programme

To join fill the questions online form here

To complete registration for this programme you will need the following information to hand: 

  • NHS Number
  • Blood Test Result (either your HbA1c or FPG reading)
  • Date of Blood Test (must be within the past 12 months)
  • Your height & weight

If you cannot find your NHS Number, you can use this helpful link:

Diabetes UK

Diabetes UK is a charity that supports patients diagnosed with diabetes, as well as their family and friends

Call their confidential helpline on 0345 123 2399 to talk to highly trained advisors Monday to Friday 09:00 to 18:00


Website can be found here Diabetes UK

Supporting Kernows Y.D. - Young Diabetics

Supporting Kernows Y.D. is a local Cornwall support group for young diabetics affiliated to Diabetes UK

They can be contacted via their Facebook Group

Helston - Living well with diabetes

This is a local Diabetes affiliated group that meet monthly in person, for adults that are living with diabetes or at risk of diabetes, family and carers

The group can be contacted by email or contact Spencer Wimbleton on 01823 448 260